We are an international movement of ordinary men and women. We propose and accelerate individual and collective behavior change, and support environmental initiatives in Côte d'Ivoire and West Africa to engage the ecological transition of our societies. We fight, by combining efficiency, pugnacity and independence, for the defense of human rights for a fair and united world on a livable planet. Our action supports all the women and all the men who need it, without distinction of religion or spirituality. We are implementing actions to mobilize our network to call on public authorities and economic decision-makers to abandon < false good solutions > in order to seriously attack the roots of the evil.


CROISSANT VERT-CI has existed since August 15, 2015 in West Africa, in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire. It is a non-profit non-governmental organization (NGO) for the protection of human life and biodiversity, environmental protection, anticipation and action in the face of climate change. We are a key player in mobilizing the fight against addictions in Africa.


CROISSANT VERT-CI has an office composed of:
- PROF. Okintundu Omotunde Kamikazy (National President);
- FOFANA Souleymane (Secretary General);
- DODIEN Ferrand (Treasurer General) .


CROISSANT VERT-CI salutes and thanks for their dedication and self-sacrifice all associations fighting against drug addiction, environmental protection, prevention of endemic diseases, anticipation and action against climate change and the promotion of human rights and human rights.


CROISSANT VERT-CI welcomes members from all countries of the world without exception. It favors:
- Research institutes and universities;
- Exchange centers and resource structures; < br> - Government and private service organizations;
- Publishers and media.
Our responses are multi-sector and we rely on strong expertise.


1 - They insult the future. Our behavior is never neutral. The observation is not new. It is worrying. But it does not seem to worry decision-makers and the public who continue to behave and act as if nothing had happened. They pretend to solve the problems in statistical terms, without seriously attacking the roots of the evil.

2 - Formidable questions. Drug addiction and the environment, climate and ecology are real social issues and the future of our humanity and biodiversity depends on it. What means, what strategies, what practices to implement so as not to be the expiatory victims?

3 - Act so as not to suffer. Let's adopt an approach imbued with authenticity by ceasing to exacerbate fears and distress. Moaning is not appropriate. We must react. And reacting means both objectively analyzing the causes and avoiding blame and proposing remedies.

4 - The ambition of an organization or a project is measured by the audacity of a break with any permanent ambiguity. The creation of this site responds to an objective : to bring you more information on the scourges that threaten our world, on what surrounds it and influences it, on all the questions that cross our field of intervention.

5 - Audacity subject to reason and truth. After 'the news', we will report on the 'field' and develop files for national decision-makers , international and the public. We will also favor pages of educational resources, practical information (daily life and administrative procedures).

6 - Requirement for citizen debates. Our website croissantnet-ci.org will be regularly open to personalities whose thinking is likely to enrich ours and spark debate. Your reactions on their interventions as on all the other subjects are awaited. Trade union tool, militant tool, communication tool, tool of reflection, tool of work, here is what wants to be our site. Do not hesitate to send us your criticisms, your suggestions and contributions.

7 - The SOCIETE DU CROISSANT VERT- CÔTE D'IVOIRE belongs to you: it is you, who by your adherence to our ideas, values, principles and actions, are the owners .


National President

E-mail : harrisboutbanksaintjust@gmail.com

(225) 0101858527/ 0564444105/ 0768094074

Our Missions

Prevent and raise awareness against addictions

CROISSANT VERT-CI carries out prevention, research and awareness-raising activities against addictions and endemic diseases. A great deal of information is available to help all stakeholders live a healthy life. Our unfailing solidarity is listening to consumers to provide help, information, advice or simply to talk about addiction problems.

Work for life in a healthy environment and on a livable planet

CROISSANT VERT-CI conducts investigations on environmental issues in West Africa to then attract the attention of political and economic decision-makers with a view to the fight against energy waste and for the protection of our planet. In order to keep intact its independence of action, the association refuses any funding from public authorities.

Promote local alternatives to the climate changes that threaten us

CROISSANT VERT-CI recognizes the existence of climate change that threatens our life on earth. It is aware that solutions exist to allow us to build fairer and more convivial societies.
In order to keep intact its independence of action, the association refuses any funding from the public authorities.

Advocacy with political and economic decision-makers for international solidarity in favor of social justice

CROISSANT VERT-CI is an NGO which leads, in symbiosis with a large network of associations and populations, campaigns for the defense, without concession, of fragile peoples. It fights for human rights , human rights and all its actions in the field are aimed at social justice.

Cooperate and popularize scientific work on all subjects that impact our life on earth

CROISSANT VERT-CI promotes cooperation and relations between GO and NGO organizations for a multi-sectoral approach. It is open to any reflection likely to enrich the issues of our existence and to give rise to debates in addition to support the exchange of organizational skills and expertise between the States.

Encourage and support cultural and social activities in favor of the protection of the environment and human rights

CROISSANT VERT-CI contributes to the organization of a variety of cultural and social activities related to the environment, the climate, human rights, the promotion of women as actors of development economic and social justice. In order to keep intact its independence of action, the association refuses any funding from public authorities.

You can leave us a message!


  • Address: 07 BP 961 ABIDJAN 07
  • Contact:
  • Contact:
  • Contact:
  • : harrisboutbanksaintjust@gmail.com